Words of Encouragement from our President:
Even though we are part of a community, (architects, religious, neighborhood, etc.) we need to rely upon ourselves as individuals to make our society good. I am grateful to be a part of a profession that feels deeply and is not afraid of expressing it. We can’t legislate morality and love, just like we can’t legislate good taste or good sense.
We each need to take personal responsibility to affect those we influence, who we touch, who we elect, what we say, how we act, to make a difference. My mind gets crowded with so many directions right now. So many avenues that need to be pursued. I think if we can each try to focus on a few things, it will add up. Please let us all try to help each other stay strong, and make a positive difference through our work and our interactions.
Lissy Frese, AIA
2020 AIA Birmingham President
Hi AIA Family,
I miss your faces so much! It has been since February that I saw some of you and 2019 for others. I hope it is not 2021 before I see you again.
What a year?!?! COVID-19 put the panic in all of us. Time for change regarding social justice and civil rights. If we could all remember the golden rule we learned in kindergarten, COVID would be under control and social justice would not be an issue.
Treat others like you want to be treated. And yes, it can be that simple.
Stay positive. Be kind. Live Grateful.
Peace & AIA LOVE,
Rhea Williams, Executive Director AIA Birmingham & Alabama Center for Architecture
Design Awards Update
AIA Birmingham looks forward to celebrating design with all of you once it is safe to do so.
We will continue providing updates as we learn more!
Platinum Sponsors
A Note to AIA Birmingham Members:
Join us in supporting our AIA Birmingham Sponsors. When looking for vendors and consultants, please be sure to refer to our Sponsor list to the right of this page or our Sponsors page. Thanks so much!
Check out the 2020 sponsorship brochure here!
Want to help the ACFA reach its
fundraising goals & earn an HSW?
If you love an interesting story, this webinar is for you! SEAoAL and KELLER (Formerly Hayward Baker) have partnered with the ACFA to share the investigation, design & stabilization of the Pointe du Hoc Cliff in Normandy, France. This was an important site during the D-Day landings in Normandy on June 6, 1944!
Email katie@karmamanagementinc.com with any questions or concerns.
Visit the ACFA Square Shop to purchase a ticket
Funds from the virtual webinar will help support the ACFA’s dreamARCHITECTURE & Scholarship programs.
Friday Conversation — Build Up Ensley
Friday, 7/10 // 11:30 AM-12:30 PM // 1 HSW (Pending) // FREE for ALL
Virtual Event via ZOOM — Registrants will be sent a link by email!
Build UP is the nation’s first and only workforce development model that provides low-income youth with career-ready skills through paid apprenticeships, leading them to become educated, credentialed, and engaged civic leaders, workers, homeowners and landlords. Build UP’s unique approach is an anti-gentrification revitalization model that empowers long-term growth driven by young leaders (Build UP graduates) from within the community.
Need HSWs? AIA is offering a variety of FREE online courses for members!
Here are some great HSW options:
- Accessibility – A Photographic Look at Recurrent Non-Complying Elements – 1.50 HSW
- Leading Edge Sustainable Stadium Design – 1 HSW
- Copy-Catting: Intellectual Property Principles and Rights – 1 HSW
- The Housing Crisis: How Architects Can Drive Change – 1 HSW
- High Design for Low Income-Housing – 1.50 HSW
(Presented by David Baker, FAIA, LEED AP of David Baker Architects, an AIA Bham Member Firm!)
Visit AIAU for more FREE courses for AIA Members!
Contract Documents from AIA Birmingham
Click here for information on contract documents!
AIA Birmingham Silver Sponsor:
Bhate Geosciences
AIA Birmingham Silver Sponsor:
VW Gallerie at V&W Supply Company