Member Benefits
View the 2025 Membership Benefits Guide here!

Gain new knowledge, earn continuing education credit, obtain AXP hours, and put globally important topics and trends into a regional context through chapter events. AIA Birmingham hosts a chapter meeting typically the third Tuesday of the month. We offer different CEUs that you won’t get in your offices — regional speakers, interesting topics, and exciting venues. You can obtain ALL of your continuing education requirements just from attending AIA Birmingham events.
State & National Conventions
Tap into continuing education opportunities and networking events through Alabama’s state chapter. AIA National Convention is one of the largest and most exciting annual gatherings of architects and design professionals in the U.S. Choose from hundreds of high-quality education opportunities at this annual immersion into the latest trends and topics in architecture and design.
Take five-star courses online, on your schedule, from anywhere in the world through AIAU, our online education portal. Courses are curated, led by top instructors, and rated highly by our community of users.
Transcript Service
Take a course through AIAU, convention, or an AIA-approved CES provider, and we’ll automatically update your AIA member transcript with your continuing education credit, for free. The AIA transcript is accepted by nearly all state licensing boards. NCARB accepts AIA transcripts for IDP (Intern Development Program) supplemental experience hours.
List of AIA Birmingham CEUs
State & Local Relations
AIA chapters advocate on the legislative issues that impact the business and practice of architecture including licensing, project delivery, and qualifications-based selection. In 2015, AIA Birmingham assisted city leaders with planning Ecodistricts and updating the International Green Construction Code. On the state level, we twice defeated a bill threatening architects with governmental projects.
Federal Relations
AIA helps architects and designers make a difference in Congress and with the White House on vital topics that impact your practice and your world, including tax and business issues, procurement, sustainability, historic preservation, and more.
Archi-PAC, the political action committee for members, was established to strengthen the collective voice of architects in Alabama.
AIA Trust
Browse insurance and financial programs designed to meet the needs of individual and small firms, as well as reports and white papers on starting a firm, managing risk, financial planning, and more, directly from the AIA Trust. Tap into exclusive member rates on legal information for personal and business use, including a legal information subscription line.
Reach the more than 25 million homeowners, remodelers, designers, and builders who use Houzz to plan their next moves. AIA’s partnership with Houzz offers multiple ways to promote yourself to this large and motivated market.
Knowledge Communities
Start networking through AIA’s 20+ online communities, professional interest groups where like-minded members network, stay current on the topics they care about, and explore unique interests.
AIA Career Center
AIA Birmingham serves as a liaison between job seekers and employers. See AIA Birmingham’s local career listings here. Streamline the hiring and job search process with confidential resume posting, online applications, and custom alerts. Employers who are members can also post job openings.
Industry Research
Shape your business strategies with AIA research and market intelligence. Discover the latest practice trends and their impact on business and growth, see where the economy is heading, get compensation data for firm positions, and more.
Leadership, Networking, and Mentoring Opportunities
Develop new skills and advance your career through your local chapter.
ARE Resources
Find local study groups and prep sessions, online study guides, and other resources for the Architect Registration Examination®. AIA Birmingham lends study materials out to our associate membership free of charge (with a $50 refundable deposit.)
AXP Resources
NCARB accepts AIA transcripts for AXP (Architectural Experience Program) supplemental experience hours. The AIA member transcript is accepted by nearly all state licensing boards. When you take a course through AIAU, convention, or an AIA-approved continuing education (CES) provider, we’ll automatically update your transcript with your continuing education credit.
Local Product Shows
AIA Birmingham hosts an annual product show each fall to show our members all the newest technology and products available. AIA Birmingham members receive free admittance to this fantastic event that boasts an average of more than 50 exhibitors.
Contract Documents
Get discounts and bundle pricing on AIA’s easy-to-use industry standard for documents, contracts, annual licenses, and more. AIA Birmingham members receive 10% off paper documents.
AIA Advantage & Trade Discounts
Get discounts on business and consumer products and services from FedEx, UPS, Hertz, Zipcar, and more.
AIA Store
Save 10% on classic texts, cutting-edge books, home design products, gifts, and more online and at AIA National’s Washington, D.C. store.
Architect Finder
Opt in to include your firm in AIA National’s Architect Finder. You can upload projects, include photos and give contact information to potential clients. AIA Birmingham always sends calls from the general public to the Architect Finder website, so update your listing today.
Advertising Campaign
AIA Birmingham’s partnership with PMT Publishing includes a monthly ad in Birmingham Home & Garden. In total, our ads receive more than 400,000 impressions each year.
Special Events Coverage
AIA Birmingham’s many special events, programs and exhibits garner coverage from local and regional news outlets, such as AIA Birmingham works to maintain good relationships with many reporters so your projects, openings and news releases are more likely to be published.