June is a busy month! 2.5 HSWs, Design Awards, ARE Structures Seminar…. don’t miss out!!
June Chapter Meeting: AIA 2017 Documents: Owner-Architect Agreements & Sustainable Design and Construction (1.5 HSW)
Presented by Crow Friedman Group
Tuesday, June 13
11: 30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Alabama Center for Architecture, 109 Richard Arrington Jr Blvd South
$15 members, $30 nonmembers
SPACE LIMITED – RSVP by June 11th to kathryn@aiabham.org
Presented by: Andy Mendelson, FAIA, Berkley Design Professional
The newly released documents at the heart of the AIA Contract Documents program– the A201- related AIA Owner–Architect Agreements– are revised by the Documents Committee on a 10-year cycle. This program will give attendees an insight into the AIA’s revision process, as well as a chance to learn about the revised Owner-Architect agreements. ______
Presented by Crow Friedman Group & Berkley Design Professional
Click the photo to purchase your tickets!
Click here to view the 2017 AIA Birmingham Design Awards Sponsorship Form! (Jury Sponsorships Still Available!) ______
Sponsor Event: Large/Thin Porcelain Tiles at R.F. Henry Tile Company (1 HSW)
Thursday, June 22nd
12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
4500 1st Ave N, Birmingham AL 35222
FREE, lunch provided by Elon Tile and Stone
Please RSVP to- https://www.eventbrite.com/e/aia-asid-iida-and-idc-idcec-ceu-event-at-rf-henry-tile-company-tickets-33890734098?aff=es2
The goal of this course is to teach architects and designers the fundamentals of large/thin porcelain tiles, from what they are and how they are made to what makes them “green” and examples of their use. Details of the course will include technical characteristics and their advantages as well as what makes them “green” and a LEED resource. The course will also discuss tools and methods of installation and types of applications. ______
AIA Birmingham EP Survey – Help us serve you better!
AIA Birmingham supports the architectural professionals in Central Alabama. The Emerging Professionals group represents the interests of our unlicensed/Associate AIA members. Our primary goals are to encourage members to pursue licensure–through completion of AXP & ARE–and to encourage our young members to be involved within the profession.
We want to know how we can serve YOU better — what programs you like, don’t like, wish we had, etc. Please help us improve our programming!
AIA Middle Tennessee Thaddeus Structures Seminar
June 16-18, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. each day
Vanderbilt University – Wilson Hall, Room 126 (Nashville, TN)
$325 AIA members
Register online TODAY at http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/2952027
You won’t want to miss renowned professor, David Thaddeus, AIA, NCARB, in Nashville. This intense 3-day, 30 hour seminar has been deemed “boot camp for structures.” Leave feeling confident and prepared for all structural related questions on the ARE. This seminar helps demistify calculations, nail down concepts (with hands on models and exhibits), and makes you feel energized and ready to tackle structures!
Seating is limited for this popular seminar and advance registration is required. Registration closes June 9th. ______
Registration OPEN for EcoDistricts Summit in Atlanta October 10-11
Sustainable design at neighborhood- or district-scale can yield exponential benefits for a city! Portland Oregon based EcoDistricts is encouraging and empowering community leaders (public AND private sector), city planners, architects, and engineers to leverage their community’s physical, economic, and social assets to create sustainable districts in which their citizens can live, work, play, shop, and thrive!
The EcoDistricts Summit 2017 will be held in Atlanta on October 10-11. For more information on EcoDistricts see https://ecodistricts.org/ . For more information on the EcoDistricts Summit 2017 see http://www.summit.ecodistricts.org/. ______