Hello Problem Solvers,
Thanksgiving, a time to be thankful. I am so thankful for architects. You create/design beautiful spaces for everyone (like our Design Award Honor winners above). You consider how each building will be used by the end user – people, us. We don’t think about the thought or time you put into each phase of the design, the liability, trying to create what the clients wants when they really do not know, much less take the time to thank you for your vision.
Thank you for designing all the spaces we live, work, play, worship, eat, drink, educational, hospitals, and so much more. You surround each of us with a beautiful safe place.
Thank you and I wish you and your family a HAPPY THANKSGIVING.
Peace and AIA love,
Rhea Williams, Executive Director, AIA Birmingham & AL. Center for Architecture______
2016 Sponsorships Now Available! – Early Bird Special
Wow, what a great year we’ve had! Just a reminder that all chapter sponsorships expire at the end of December! Check out the 2016 sponsorship brochure here.
If you renew your membership by December 31 and pay by January 15, we will give you $100 off your sponsorship (platinum, gold and silver levels only)! See the brochure or contact Rhea or Kathryn with questions.______
Thank You SPONSORS & MEMBERS Tradeshow 2015
Friday, Nov. 6 | 11:00am-1:00 pm
Alabama Power 3rd Floor Auditorium (1200 6th Ave N, 35203)
FREE for members with RSVP! | $10 for nonmembers
RSVP to kathryn@aiabham.org by Nov. 4!!
Bring your business cards to win fabulous prizes (TV, Bose speakers, Fitbit, gift cards and more!)

Sponsors exhibiting are: Alabama Power, AMA Lighting, Crow Friedman Group, AFS Repair, Gorrie Regan, Boral Building Products, Building & Earth Sciences, Ai Corporate Interiors, Southern Bath & Kitchen, The Mell Group, Ferguson, Dale of Alabama, ThyssenKrupp Elevators, Cardno Haynes Whaley, Dodge Data & Analytics, Office Environments, Business Interiors, Lighting Solutions, Signage, Camacho Associates, Nichiha USA, Habiframe, Sherwood Cox Photography, Pella Windows & Doors, Parrot Structural Services, ACME Brick, Indiana Limestone Company, PPG Industries, Robin Wade Furniture and Mississippi Ironworks!______
AIA Gulf States Road to Fellowship Workshop
WHAT: AIA Gulf States Region “Road to Fellowship” Workshop
WHEN: Tuesday, November 10, 2015, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 pm
Presentation: 8:30 – lunch
After lunch: Q&A; individual help; review
WHERE: Alabama Center for Architecture (Birmingham)
WHO: AIA Gulf States Region members interested in hands-on workshop on the Fellowship process
COST: Free for the all-day workshop (hotel room and travel are your responsibility)
WHY: Demystify the Fellows process .Perhaps you’re ready to apply for Fellowship in the American Institute of Architects; Or perhaps you’re not ready now, but want the tools to understand what the Fellows Jury requires.
AIA Gulf States is fortunate to have LEE ASKEW, FAIA (Memphis) and ALLISON ANDERSON, FAIA (Mississippi) as presenters/mentors. Mr. Askew has served on the Fellows Jury, and Ms. Anderson was recently elevated to Fellow status. They are eager to answer your questions and help guide you.
A registration form will be sent upon request to sheila@aiatn.org. The workshop has a limited number (35) of openings, so please let her know ASAP. There is an informal dinner scheduled for Monday night (November 9th) if your travel schedule permits (more information to come).______
Procrastination Education – CEU Opportunities from our Sponsors
Do you still need to get your education requirements in for this year? If so, we have the solution for you – AIA Birmingham’s Procrastination Education! Our sponsors are offering 9 FREE seminars in the month of December for YOU! See below for info about each seminar and RSVP information!
All meetings are at the Alabama Center for Architecture (109 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd. South), begin at 11:30 and include lunch unless otherwise noted.
Date | CEU Credit | Sponsor | Title |
RSVP Email |
Nov. 30 | 1 HSW | Boral Building Products | Understanding Poly-Ash Trim | karon.vezertzis@boral.com
Dec. 2 | 1 HSW | Hohmann & Barnard | Sustainability in Masonry Construction | mickim@h-b.com
Dec. 7 | 1 HSW | Business Interiors | Build Better with Prefab Interior Construction | kbrowne@businteriors.com |
Dec. 8 | 1 LU | Hagerman & Company | Introduction to A360 Collaboration for Autodesk® Revit | events@hagerman.com |
Dec. 11 | 1 HSW | ThyssenKrupp Elevator Americas | Elevator Education 101: Designing for Low-Rise Buildings | gabe.potts@thyssenkrupp.com
Dec. 14 | 1 LU | Sherwood Cox Photography | Architectural Photography: Why & How to Work with a Professional | sc@sherwoodcox.com
Dec. 15 | 1 HSW | AMA Lighting | Intelligent Lighting for Interior Spaces | chris@amalighting.com
Dec. 16 | 1 HSW | AMA Lighting | Lighting Control Technology for Digital and Dynamic Luminaires | chris@amalighting.com
Dec. 17 | 1 HSW | Alabama Concrete Industries Association | Design & Construction of Concrete Parking Lots | jsorrell@alconcrete.org |
PEACE (PIECE) OUT 2015! Holiday Party & Art Fundraiser
If you have art you’d like to donate, fill out this form and return to us!______
20th Annual ACFA Golf Tournament
Our 20th annual ACFA Golf Tournament at the RTJ Oxmoor Valley course on Thursday, Oct. 15 was a huge success! The weather was perfect, and our 136 players loved their day on the links. After finishing the course, the players gathered at the clubhouse for live music, barbecue and door prize giveaways. Special thanks to our tournament sponsor J.R. Prewitt & Associates and all our hole, drink cart and meal sponsors for their generous support year after year. Proceeds from the 2015 tournament will go to scholarships for architecture students. View photos from the event here! And view winners here! ______
Design Week Birmingham 2015

Design Week Birmingham celebrated its third year on Oct. 19–24. From the Top 50 Architectural Projects and a lecture by Natalie Chanin to Drink & Draw with industrial designer Spencer Nugent and a ZYP Bike Share ride to Railroad Park, the week offered something for anyone interested in Birmingham’s tradition of creative arts. The week concluded Saturday night with BHAMFEAST, a crowdsourced dinner held at the Blueprint Building. The winner of the FEAST grant was Kuumba Community Arts, a teen design academy where young people earn a wage for their creative work.
THANK YOU to everyone who attended and everyone who sponsored this event. Special thanks to all the architects on the DWB committee: Bruce Lanier, Jared Fulton, Laura Bartlett, Matt Foley, Brittany Foley and Andrew Bryant. Next year’s will be even bigger and better – just wait and see! Click here for photos!______
Site Visit – Cahaba Brewery
Tuesday, November 17 | 4:30 pm
4500 5th Ave South
RSVP to kathryn@aiabham.org by November 16.
Required PPE: Closed toe shoes and hard hats.______
Save the Date!
Young AEC Holiday Party
December 17th at the Wine Loft
More info coming soon!______
NEW UAB Sustainable Smart Cities Master’s Program______
2016 AIA Birmingham Slate of Officers
Immediate Past President: Carey Hollingsworth, AIA
President: Bill Segrest, AIA, Williams Blackstock Architects
Vice-President: Lauren Gwaltney, AIA, Williams Blackstock Architects
Treasurer: Ross McCain, AIA, KPS Group
Secretary: Richard Simonton, AIA, Simonton Swaika & Black Architects
Second Year Director: Lissy Frese, AIA, Cohen Carnaggio & Reynolds
First Year Director: Brannon Foster, AIA, Christopher Architects
Intern Director: Jonathan Meadows, AIA, Williams Blackstock Architects
Marshall Anderson, AIA, Design Initiative
Emily Bullard-McClellan, Assoc. AIA, KPS Group
Ty Cole, AIA, GA Studio
Cindy Coyle, AIA, Architecture Works
Adam Gerndt, Assoc. AIA, Adams Gerndt Design
Alicia Pughsley, AIA, Birchfield Penuel Architects
Jeff Slaton, AIA, Goodwyn Mills & Cawood
Keith Starnes, AIA, Birchfield Penuel Architects