JR Prewitt & Associates presents
Barbara Sable of RLI Insurance Company
“Managing Client Expectations and Maintaining Professional Ethics”
Participants in this seminar will learn or better understand:
- How to identify clients who don’t acknowledge the differences between “negligence” and “errors and omissions.”
- How and why public client expectations may differ from private client expectations.
- Some of the drivers that promote expectations of perfections.
- What design professionals can do to better manage client expectations
- Regulations that guide ethics
- Ethical requirements of professional societies
- Where ethics fit into your duties to clients.
- The ramifications of not following applicable codes of ethics.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
2:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Vestavia Country Club
Registration begins at 1:30 p.m.
Snacks will be available during the seminar.
Cost: FREE!
RSVP to Cassie Hall at 205-397-5133 or chall@jrprewitt.com.