Project Name: Lane Parke
Project Location: Mountain Brook, Alabama
Owner/Client: Evson, Inc.
Architect(s) of Record:
Goodwyn Mills Cawood LLC
2400 5th Ave South, Suite 200
Birmingham, Alabama
Project Team:
Jeffrey Brewer, Architect, CEO
Mark Coyle, Sr Architect
Jeff Slaton, Sr Design Architect
Kyonta Smith, Architect
Josh Phillips, Designer
Jacquelyn Hart, Architect
Landscape Architect:
Goodwyn Mills Cawood LLC
Jane Reed Ross, Landscape Architect
Goodwyn Mills Cawood, Civil Engineer
Jackson Renfro, Electrical Engineer
Edmonds Engineering, Mechanical
General Contractor: Hoar Construction
Edward Badham, All photography unless otherwise noted
Kodak Cowboy; 2 holiday aerials:
Jacquelyn Hart; 2 pictures Outward Bound;
All PUD excerpt slides are part of the City of Mountain Brook PUD document.