Happy Fall Architects!
It is so nice to have a change of season. I think everyone was ready for it and for FOOTBALL. This time of year is also AIA membership renewal time. We have increased our membership this year with new members and renewals. Why join or renew?
In 2016 AIA Birmingham gave you:
- 13 INTERESTING HSWs and 2 LU to date
- a Procrastination Education Seminar in December, which could earn you up to 6 HSWs in one day
- ARE Study Materials for Interns/young professionals
- Design Awards, with 50+ entries and 11 winners
- Placement of advertisements to promote the value of an architect
- Social media to promote your projects
- Career and job postings
- Assistance for firms with finding new hires
- Resource for the public and membership
- Educated more than 2100 students about the architectural profession
- We need more architects to help with N2Architecture presentations please.
- Host architectural/design exhibits, all free to the public
- Support AEC Mega Meeting
- Assisted the city with Code updates
- ATC 45 Training
We have a strong AIA chapter and all of you are responsible for making it happen. Your dues, support, time, creative energy, talent and ideas are ALL APPRECIATED. Please renew and get involved (if you are not).
If you thought 2016 chapter meetings ROCKED, you will be BLOWN away by 2017 presentations. We are providing HSWs you cannot get in your firm or online. Don’t get left out or have to pay non-member price in 2017.
Peace & AIA Love,
Rhea Williams, Executive Director AIA Birmingham & ACFA______
Announcing the 2017 AIA Birmingham SLATE OF OFFICERS
The membership will vote to install these officers at the Sponsor & Member Appreciation Tradeshow on November 4th.
- Lauren Gwaltney, AIA – President
- Bill Segrest, AIA –Immediate Past President
- Ross McCain, AIA – Vice President
- Richard Simonton, AIA – Treasurer
- Lissy Frese, AIA – Secretary
- Alicia Pughsley, AIA – Second Year Director
- Brannon Foster, AIA – First Year Director
- Emily Bullard-McClellan, Assoc. AIA
- Ty Cole, AIA
- Cindy Coyle, AIA
- Jeff Slaton, AIA
- Keith Starnes, AIA
- Danny Trotter, AIA
- Laura Bartlett, AIA
- Travis Burke, AIA
- Charlie Abram, Assoc. AIA – Emerging Professionals Director
- Bruce Herrington, AIA – Government Affairs Liaison______
Sponsor & Member Appreciation Tradeshow – RSVP TODAY!
Are you a platinum, gold or silver sponsor?
Click here to download the Exhibitor Registration form!
Send forms to kathryn@aiabham.org by Oct. 28th to reserve your spot.______
Limited Edition Birmingham Landmarks Ornaments & Prints
Order now at www.alcfa.org!
We are so excited about our community fundraiser. The ACFA commissioned 4 local artist/architects/landscape architect to paint a watercolor of four of our local landmarks. The goal of this fundraiser (of course besides raise money) is to promote awareness of our landmarks and encourage people to visit them, support and promote local artist, and promote the architectural/design profession.
Joey Longoria painted Sloss Furnace. He graduated from Auburn University’s School of Architecture in 1996 and credits a summer abroad trip to Norway in 1995 and a painting seminar that same year with renowned watercolor artist David Braly for developing a true love of painting and defining the techniques and process that he uses to create art. He typically uses acrylic paint mixed with a heavy body gel medium, which gives the paint a prolonged drying time and a texture that allows him to create relief on the canvas. See more of his work at www.archibaldlongoria.com.
Adrienne Retief is an architect and teaches watercolor workshops. Adrienne is a practicing architect, architectural illustrator and watercolor painter from South Africa of French Huguenot descent. She loves travelling and sketching, and she lives in Birmingham, Alabama. www.adrienneretief.com
Jane Reed Ross, ASLA, painted Rotary Trail and was also the landscape architect for the project. “Rotary Trail in the Magic City” depicts changing times in an evolving Birmingham with all people working together to create an exciting quality of life. To illustrate this point, Jane paints Brittany Howard of “Alabama Shakes” leading her band across the trail a’ la The Beatles’ iconic crossing Abby Road. http://www.janereedrossla.com/
Rebecca Whitlow, AIA, painted Railroad Park. Art inspired her to pursue a career of creating in a spacial and structural sense. She received dual degrees in architecture and interior architecture from Auburn University, and honed her watercolor skills while studying abroad in Rome, Italy. She is the founder and owner of Revolutionary Architecture. www.revoarchitecture.com
The ACFA will donate a $1 back to each corresponding landmark and the remainder of the proceeds will support ACFA K-12 educational programs and lecture series.
Ornaments will arrive in two weeks and prints will be available December 1st.
Great gifts for clients, friends, family or secret Santa too.
Click here to order https://squareup.com/store/alabama-center-for-architecture/ ______
Last Chance to Register! 2016 ACFA Golf Tournament on October 13th + BOSE Sound System Raffle
Click here to view the Registration & Sponsor form
Teams of 4 | Individual Player
Hole Sponsor | Meal Sponsor (SOLD OUT) | Drink Cart Sponsor (SOLD OUT) | Music Sponsor (SOLD OUT)
Raffle Item: BOSE SoundLink Mini Bluetooth Speaker (Valued at $200!)
Tickets only $5 each!!
Winner will be drawn at the ACFA Golf Tournament on 10/13.
You do NOT have to be present to win!
We can take cash, check or credit cards at the Alabama Center for Architecture.
Email kathryn@aiabham.org or drop the office (109 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd. South, Birmingham AL 35233) to purchase your tickets before October 13th!!
Recap: Mega Meeting 2016
On Tuesday, September 19th about 200 leaders in the architecture, engineering and construction industries met at Regions Field for a tradeshow and lecture. Our AWESOME engaging speaker Meagan Johnson spoke about the generational differences in the workplace and gave us some practical ways to overcome these differences. We learned that generations aren’t so different at all. What generation is lazy, unmotivated, entitled and defiant? Nope, not just millennials – the same things were said about Baby Boomers in the 1960s! Learning how to see similarities between the generations can help us all work better together.
Special thank you to the University of Alabama Construction Administration Division for sponsoring the event, as well as to LBYD and Robins & Morton for the break and meal sponsorships, respectively.. And of course thanks to our TWENTY-TWO exhibitors for their support…. See you in 2017!!
Click here to view the Generational Decoder Card ______
Recap: Artery Bike Tour at the Alabama Center for Architecture, featuring the Top 38 Birmingham Architecture Projects and an exhibit by Jonathan Meadows, AIA
On Saturday, September 24th, the ACFA participated in the first ever Artery Bike Tour, a bikeable tour of art around the city. We had our Top 38 Birmingham Architecture Projects (Design Awards) exhibit in the space, as well as a Walk Through an Architect’s Sketchbook by Jonathan Meadows, AIA.
Artist’s Statement: “A site-specific installation created for the Alabama Center for Architecture, “A Walk Through an Architect’s Sketchbook” is a display of the Architect’s thought process through sketching. As a designer, I sketch not to create artwork, but rather as an extension of trying to see and understand the environment around me. By making marks on paper, I inscribe the moment in my mind, for future recall and reflection.
The installation is a digital recreation of my own illustrations, sketched out in massive scale on translucent sheets suspended within the space. Beginning with construction lines the drawing is gradually built, illustrating the focus first on overall proportion and composition, then on detail, and finally color and shadow as watercolors are applied. The installation creates a layered space through zones of transparency and opacity, and the central occupiable space is immersive, with activity occurring all around the viewer.”
View photos from Jonathan’s portfolio at: http://jonathanbmeadows.com/sketchbook.html; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRykV-vg-i0 ______
Save the date: AIA Birmingham Holiday Party 2016!
Sponsored by ALAGASCO/Spire Energy
Thursday, December 1st
6:00-8:00 pm
Alabama Center for Architecture (109 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd. South)
Silent Auction items, PIECE OUT Art Sale, Ornament Sale ______
Emerging Professionals Section
**Hosted at the Alabama Center for Architecture, 109 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd. South, Birmingham AL 35233. Deadline to RSVP is October 4th!** ______
NCARB Update
NCARB Releases ARE 5.0 Study Resources
Professionals preparing to take the next version of the Architect Registration Examination® (ARE®) now have two new resources: The ARE 5.0 Handbook and ARE 5.0 Community. Developed by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB), these free study tools offer candidates valuable insight into ARE 5.0, which launches November 1. http://www.ncarb.org/News-and-Events/News/2016/Sept-ARE5-Community.aspx
Want to start testing in 4.0?
If you’d like to start testing in ARE 4.0, you must meet your jurisdiction’s requirements and request eligibilities to test before October 31, 2016. Once you’re approved, you will have the option to test in ARE 4.0 until it is retired in June 2018. – See more at: http://blog.ncarb.org/2016/September/NCARB-Live-Recap-ARE5.aspx#sthash.7Z2tDktd.dpuf ______
AIA National Corner
Want to be Featured on AIA National’s Instagram?
AIA plans to feature projects from AIA members on the Institute’s Instagram account during the month of October. If you are interested, email Social Media Manager and ask for details. Visit examples of previously featured members.
UPDATE YOUR PROFILE ON AIA!!! Help us help you better.
To ensure that you receive their 2017 renewals and other AIA mailings, PLEASE update your address and contact information at MyProfile!
Small Firm Exchange Scan
The AIA Small Firm Exchange Scan collects knowledge resources for small firm practitioners and design professionals to strengthen their practice and professional careers. It advocates for small firms, promotes firm and professional leadership, and supports local component round tables and small firm networks. August Issue
New 2016 Firm Survey Report
Has firm revenue recovered from the recession? What is the outlook for energy modeling, resilient design, and international work? The new Firm Survey Report provides metrics and insights on business practices, firm performance, and trends. Get more information or a copy here.
Call for Nominations: 2017 Committees Open
AIA is seeking nominations from members interested in serving on AIA national committees. To nominate a member or to view all AIA national committees with openings in 2017, visit the nomination homepage (member login required). Deadline: October 14, 5:00 PM, EDT
Awards Opportunities and Webinars
- Register to attend the AAH webinar Research to Practice: Lighting for Improved Environment of Care on October 11, 2:00-3:00 PM, EDT. Earn 1.0 AIA LU/HSW.
A full list of Knowledge Community events is always available at network.aia.org/RoundUp ______
Career Center
Jobseekers – check out the AIA Career Center for all the hottest jobs and access to the Career Learning Center, which encourages an integrative career and professional development process that enhances your skill set. Also don’t miss AIA Birmingham’s Career Page for the latest local opportunities.
Employers – post your jobs on the AIA Birmingham website! FREE for local member firms. Email Rhea or Kathryn for more details. ______
Proof Is Possible Tour: Nov. 28 – Dec. 3 at Innovation Depot
Proof Is Possible Tour brings the world’s highest performing tiny house to teach homeowners and homebuyers to take control of their houses with diagnostics, and get proof they got what they paid for.
- MON-FRI, 5-6pm: Open House Tours of the #TinyLab tiny house on wheels
(FREE- No registration required) - TUESDAY, 12-1pm: Open House Tours of the #TinyLab tiny house on wheels
(FREE- No registration required) - WEDS, 9-10:30am: Profiting from Home Performance in Real Estate ($20- registration required)
- THURS, 6-8pm: Home Performance Crash Course for Homeowners (FREE – registration required)
- FRI, 9am-1pm: Advanced Techniques and Tools for Home Performance
($99- 2 BPI CEUs, registration required) - SAT, 11 am-1pm: How To Engineer and Build a High Performance Tiny House
($49- Limited to 8, registration required)
For more information and to sign up for updates go to www.ProofisPossible.com or click here to view the press release. ______