Hello Problem Solvers!
I hope you all have seen our ad in Birmingham Home and Garden Magazine (right). A big thank you to Jamie Sransky for his sketches.
We are getting geared up for the second half of the year, where did the first 6 months of 2015 go?!? Time flies when you are having fun and staying busy. And architect firms are BUSY now. We do not have enough resumes on file for everyone who is hiring.
The next 6 months are full of exciting events: scholarship awards, design awards, Frank Lloyd Wright weekend, safe room design, Mega Meeting, Wine Cellar Presentation, Design Week Birmingham, Golf Tournament (sold out in 2014), Trade Show, Procrastination Education and then Holiday Partay!
Stay tuned, READ your emails, and we will see you July 21st for the ACFA scholarship awards program at The CLUB.
Peace and AIA Love,
Rhea Williams, Executive Director AIA Birmingham & ACFA ______
Thank you to all our sponsors who paid for memberships in June (below). A complete list of sponsors is listed on the right side of the page. If you have not renewed, please see the sponsorship form here or email kathryn@aiabham.org with any questions.
July Chapter Meeting & Scholarship Awards – 1 HSW
Making Main Street Legal Again: The SmartCode Solution to Sprawl
Tuesday, July 21 | 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. | $20 members, $30 nonmembers
The Club | 1 Robert Smith Drive, Birmingham AL 35209
RSVP to kathryn@aiabham.org by July 18
Make all checks payable to Alabama Center for Architecture
Chad Emerson serves as the President and CEO for Downtown Huntsville, Inc., a nonprofit organization is responsible for the revitalization of Downtown Huntsville through unique events, interesting promotions, and dynamic new and redeveloped properties. He previously served as Director of City Development for Montgomery, Alabama as well as a consultant to over 30 different cities on downtown and urban redevelopment strategies. He received his undergraduate degree from Lipscomb University and his law degree from the University of Tennessee. He, his wife, and five children live in Huntsville.
Cancellation policy: Must give 24 hours’ notice of cancellation. If you cancel less than 24 hours before or do not show up to the meeting without notice, you will be billed the cost of the meeting.
Design Awards Gala 2015
Sponsored by Crow Friedman Group & XL Insurance
Thursday, August 20 | 6:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Kress Building | 301 19th Street North
$50 Tickets
Cocktail Attire
To purchase tickets, call 205-322-4386 or email kathryn@aiabham.org by August 17
If you’re interested in sponsorship, click here for sponsorship form!______

Birmingham Accolade Award Nominations
We are now taking nominees for the 2015 Birmingham Accolade Award! This Award is the highest honor our chapter can bestow on one of its members. The award, established in 2006, indicates peer recognition of exemplary achievement or service to the chapter, the profession, or society. Nominee portfolios are due July 31 by 4:00 p.m. Click here to view the Call for Nominations. ______
Safe Room Design & Examples – 1.5 HSW
Part of Structural Engineers Association of Alabama 5th Annual Conference & Expo
Thursday, August 27 | Rosewood Hall, 2850 19th St. South, Homewood AL 35209
Early Registration: $30 member, $50 nonmember | Late Registration: $50 member, $70 nonmember
8:00 – 8:30 a.m. – Registration, Breakfast & Coffee Bar
8:30 – 9:45 a.m. Lecture
In the past few years, building for natural disasters has been thrust into the public eye after recent tornadoes wiped out entire cities and took many American lives. Architects must work to stay aware of these challenges when setting out to design safe, strong and durable buildings for tenants and occupants. This lecture will focus on building design and the strength needed to withstand natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes.
Click here to register!! ______
AIA/Houzz Home Trends Survey Results
A New Design to Make Finding Emerging Trends Easier
Houzz & Home Survey Results 2015 –
Birmingham Snapshot!![divider_flat]______
AIA Alabama Council State Convention: June 2015
The annual AIA Alabama Council State Convention was held June 12-13 in Birmingham. On Friday, Robert Sproul lectured on his time under the tutelage of Renzo Piano, and drew comparisons with the work of Piano’s own mentor, Louis Kahn. The recently-completed Sloss Furnace Visitors Center hosted a friendly coaster-sculpting competition, tour of the historic grounds, and a reception stuffed with Saw’s BBQ.
On day two, Mic Patterson of Enclos gave a rather technical, but surprisingly lively, speech on curtainwall systems, why they suck, and how they are improving. Josh Shelton enthralled us with a presentation regarding oddities including rooftop boxcars and bacon-spewing parade floats created by his architecture-cum-installation firm, El Dorado. Ace Torre led a walking tour of the Birmingham Zoo while discussing contemporary trends in zoological design.
The entire affair concluded with our Beaux Arts Ball, featuring architectonic accouterments at the Abroms-Engel Institute for the Visual Arts.______
Save the Dates!
AEC Mega Group Meeting
September 15, 2015
Regions Field
ACFA Golf Tournament
October 15, 2015
Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail
http://www.alcfa.org/support/golf-tournament/ ______
Site Visit: Negro Southern League Museum
Thursday, July 30 | 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
120 16th Street South, Birmingham
Street parking
RSVP to kathryn@aiabham.org by July 28
In a trip through Birmingham’s new Negro Southern League baseball museum designed by Dorsey Architects, visitors can see how, over many decades, the sport collided with the civil rights movement to create history. The 15,750-square-foot museum includes 8,700 square feet of exhibit space and 7,050 square feet for special events, a rooftop restaurant and a gift shop.
FYI- the Barons play that night 7:00 p.m., so come to the site visit and then enjoy a baseball game with friends!______