[divider]Happy May Architects,
Are you guys as mad as I am about Senator Trip Pittman sneaking the SB363 language into a different bill!???!!! You should be!! This is your intellectual property they are taking from you with no compensation and all the liability. Get mad! Call and email your senators and representatives to TAKE THIS OUT OF SB76!!
Click here to read SB76. Read section 3 paragraph 15.
This time it is going to take more than 24 architects driving to Montgomery to oppose the bill. We will need everyone at the public hearing.
AIA – Deputy dog protecting your profession from bad bills. One of many reasons to renew your membership.
Peace & Protection,
Rhea Williams, Executive Director______
Thank you to all our sponsors who paid for memberships in April (below). A complete list of sponsors is listed on the right side of the page. If you have not renewed, please see the sponsorship form here or email kathryn@aiabham.org with any questions.
[twocol_one] Silver
KC South / Pella Windows & Doors[/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last]Bronze
Civil Consultants Inc. [/twocol_one_last]
[box size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]
AIA Birmingham 2015 Design Awards
2015 Design Awards – Call for Entries
What a Tenant Needs & Wants: An Owner’s Perspective
AIA + Building Owners Managers Association Meeting = 1LU
Wednesday, May 20 | $15 members, $25 nonmembers
11:30 to 1:00 p.m. | Alabama Power 3rd Floor Auditorium | 1200 6th Ave N
RSVP to Kathryn@aiabham.org by May 18.
Join us for a joint meeting with BOMA for a panel discussion regarding what tenants want from a building owner’s perspective. Learn what they want from architects and the best way to communicate with all parties involved. This is also a chance for architects to explain why and when permitting is necessary and why it is important to consult an architect on the front end.
- David Blackmon, AIA, Blackmon Rogers Architects
- Elizabeth Wilson Design LLC
- Daniel Murray, Murray Building
- Betty Swann, Property Manager, Harbert Realty
- Robin White, AL Power, Moderator
Cancellation policy: Must give 24 hours’ notice of cancellation. If you cancel less than 24 hours before or do not show up to the meeting without notice, you will be billed the cost of the meeting.______
AIA National Convention
Register today for AIA National Convention in Atlanta! May 14-16, 2015. For more information and to register, visit their website at convention.aia.org!______
AIA Alabama State Convention – 10 CEUs + Beaux Arts Ball!!
Mark your calendars now for the Alabama Council’s Annual Meeting, scheduled for Friday and Saturday, June 12 and 13 in Birmingham. They have a phenomenal line up of speakers AND some super fun social activities planned. Email Larry Vinson of AIA Alabama Council at aia@gmsal.com for more information regarding Alabama state convention.
Registration Here!
Click here for schedule! ______
Did You Win, Did You Win???
Has your firm ever won a state or local component Design Award in the last 50 years??
If so, you can be a part of the statewide exhibit, 50 Years of Architecture!
Please prepare 20″ x 30″ boards of your winning projects, with firm name, winning year, photos and other relevant project information. The boards will be displayed at the Beaux Arts Ball, and will then be on display at the Alabama Center for Architecture. Let Larry Vinson (aia@gmsal.org) know how many boards you are planning on bringing by June 5, 2015.
Recap: April Meeting – Merging Form & Function through Social Media
April’s chapter meeting was held at the Alabama Center for Architecture. Ike Pigott, a communications strategist for Alabama Power, gave a presentation about social media and how it can be used to promote a business in any market. Mr. Pigott suggested making a 30 second video about why and when you decided to be an architect, that epiphany moment. He also discussed different ways architects could promote a specific project using a variety of social media tools. Cultivate the network that makes you smarter. He also shared with us his ten rules for social media:
- Be human
- Be humane
- Be yourself
- Be interesting
- Be brief [/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last]
- Share
- Laugh
- Listen
- Learn
- Repeat![/twocol_one_last]______
Other Legislative Updates
Tax Credit for Historic Preservation Extended
HB214 by Rep. Victor Gaston (R) of Mobile would authorize a seven-year extension of the tax credit against the tax liability of certain taxpayers for the substantial rehabilitation of certain historic structures. The bill also eliminates the previous cap of $60 million for the program. The House passed the measure and it is now pending in the Senate Tourism and Marketing Committee.
Registration Board Sunset Bill Passes
HB164 by Rep. Howard Sanderford (R) of Huntsville will extend the life on the State Board for Registration of Architects until October 1, 2019, or until the 2018 Legislature approves their next Sunset Bill. Of key interest to all architects, the bill changes the current law to align reporting for CE credits to a calendar basis. So, everything will now be in sync on a January 1 – December 31 pattern. ______
Urban Studio Open House
Thursday, May 7 | 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Auburn University Urban Studio | 221 20th Street North
Join the Auburn University Urban Studio faculty, staff and students for an open house to celebrate the completion of another year. The students’ work from the year will be on display. RSVP to Jennifer Cloe at jcc0078@auburn.edu if you can attend!______
dreamArchitecture Ceremony
Thursday, May 7 | 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. | Free, pizza will be served
SawWorks Studio | 130 19th St. South
RSVP to kathryn@aiabham.org by May 5.
Join us for the annual dreamArchitecture Awards Ceremony! We will be honoring 35 winners from 12 schools who were chosen out of more than 600 entries! Our theme this year was “Draw Your Dream Factory” – come and see what the kids have dreamed up!
Special thanks to ArchitectureWorks for the use of the SawWorks Studio, to Dave’s Pizza for a yummy dinner, to Gallery Services for all our framing and to our prize sponsors: Ghafari Associates, Rob Walker Architects, Simonton Swaika Black, Williams Blackstock, GA Studio, Herrington Architects, Birchfield Penuel, and Hendon + Huckestein! We are still taking donations (100% tax deductible), so make your checks out to the Alabama Center for Architecture or contact Kathryn at 205-322-4386!______
Fit Nation – Healthy Lifestyles – Heron Hollow Farm – Farm Box Pick Up at the ACFA!
Site Visit – Revelator Coffee Company Roastery
May 21 | 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. | FREE
730 1st Ave N | Street Parking | Closed toed shoes required, no hard hats required
RSVP to kathryn@aiabham.org by May 20.
Architect: Appleseed Workshop
Revelator Coffee Company was born in New Orleans and had planned to stay there. But after opening their first shop in downtown Birmingham, the company is opening its roastery and corporate headquarters nearby.
Birmingham’s Appleseed Workshop is renovating the 10,000 square foot warehouse at 730 1st Ave. N., just west of Interstate 65.
“It’s a nice 1970s warehouse, it’s really well built with some ribbon windows in there,” said Michael Gibson, president and principle architect at Appleseed. “The goal is to bring the Revelator aesthetic into it. It’s going to be kind of like an office and what they call ‘the lab,’ which is where they test different brews and different methods.”
Project Life Cycle Meeting Series: Pt. 5 (Site Visit)
June 4 | 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. | Free with RSVP + Lunch
Grandview Hospital on Highway 280
Happy Hour to follow at Blackwell’s Pub | 3151 Green Valley Road | Birmingham, AL 35243
RSVP to Anne.McCarley@thehartford.com and indicate which group you represent.
The young professional groups of CFMA (YPL), AGC (YCF), ASCE, SEA and AIA are teaming up to host a series of meetings tailored to the young professional. We are taking a known local project, the Grandview Hospital on 280, and using it to walk through a job from the perspective of each industry group.
Required: Hard hats, safety glasses, closed toe shoes, and high visibility safety vests. No shorts allowed, and keep in mind that the site may be muddy or dusty. ______